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Conversion and consolidation of Russian financial statements as per the IFRS

On 23 May 2016 the Order No. 70n of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation approved the Programme for Elaboration of Federal Accounting Standards for 2016-2018 years. 

In particular, it is planned to elaborate brand-new accounting standards based on international standards (see Part 4, Art. 20, Law No.402-FZ). In this regard this workshop will be useful not only for accounting specialists, but also for financial experts and managers.

About the workshop

The aim of the workshop is to study the methods which will help convert financial information prepared in accordance with the principles of the Russian Accounting Standards (RAS) into financial information that meets the internationally accepted accounting principles. The workshop participants will share their conversion experience. Each such workshop is held in the form of a dialogue and constructive communication, which allows to improve knowledge of international financial reporting standards for the purpose of their further application.