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Due Diligence investment audit

Due Diligence investment audit

Due Diligence investment audit – economic and legal analysis of business, value assessment and enterprise development prospects.

Due Diligence – comprehensive independent inspection of the investment object arranged by a concerned person generally before conclusion of a transaction.  In the course of Due Diligence one verifies the expediency of investments, reliability of public reported indicators, assesses the investment risks and develops practical recommendations to mitigate the same.

When is the Due Diligence investment audit necessary?

Before investing into a barely known company, it is reasonable to check whether the investments will be expedient or not.

In some cases, the investment audit is carried out not before but after conclusion of a transaction as initial conditions discovered during the preliminary check may not be static within the entire investment payback period.  To keep finger on the pulse, apart from controlling their dynamics, one shall also make sure that actual expenditures meet the investment objectives.

What does Due Diligence allow to see?

Due Diligence allows to make fair presentation of the investment project and includes a number of measures aimed at comprehensive verification of its lawfulness and commercial attractiveness.

How are the results of the Due Diligence reported?

The results of independent data analysis are issued to the customer in form of the investment object operations report together with recommendations allowing to avoid the adverse consequences.

Quality of the Due Diligence investment audit by Sterngoff Audit
The inspection program is always developed on a case-by-case basis according to the results of substantive interview with the audit customer.
Our specialists are experienced in conducting the Due Diligence in various sectors of economy considering their specific features: from food industry to oil processing.
We know where, how much and what data on the investment object are necessary to conduct the investment audit and gather all information by ourselves.
We determine fairly the investment object value and identify any possible risks by analysing the past, present and forecasted future of the business to be acquired.
Within the framework of Due Diligence services, we prepare the detailed business description based on the following parameters: assets; personnel, market position, development trends, financial status, line of business, services — and make proposals on elimination of the discovered problems.