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Career in our company

When variables become constants.
Clients who once opted for Sterngoff Audit address no other auditing company from then on. They stay with us. These pleasant statistics are no coincidence: flawless quality of our services is a constant value, and the number of clients, partners and employees is a variable which can only grow.

Our company is constantly developing, so we will be glad to consider your resume if you are:

  • A qualified auditor or an expert auditor with experience in external audit;
  • An auditor’s assistant;
  • A student for undergraduate practice in the following areas: economics, jurisprudence.

For several years our company has been a partner of the “Russia in Practice” program organized by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) in cooperation with the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce.

As part of the program, we are happy to accept for practice students from Germany who gain invaluable experience working in an audit company.

Looking for the unknown variable in the career equation?

Send your CV to with a subject “CV”. Successful candidates will be offered:

We always welcome and encourage our employees’ loyalty and their commitment to contribute to the company’s development.

The art to keep the balance

We always welcome and encourage our employees’ loyalty and their commitment to contribute to the company’s development.

Stability with Sterngoff Audit is a turn for the better!