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About us

We can talk at length about the work we love, and do it in the client’s native language, but we prefer to convince by doing and not by talking. That’s why we present facts and only facts here. These are the things that make true history. So, let us introduce ourselves.
The audit, tax and consulting
firm Sterngoff Audit LLC
was founded in 2012

Sterngoff Audit LLC focuses on statutory audit in line with the Russian (HB I, Russian GAAP, RAS) and international (HB II, IFRS and HGB) standards, as well as consulting services, including legal and tax consulting, to subsidiaries of foreign corporations in Russia.

“The art to keep balance” – this is the slogan of Sterngoff Audit. Focus on growing your business in Russia. Entrust the solution of issues related to accounting and tax reporting, audit and consulting to a reliable partner who will support you in any situation and speak the same language with you.

We are always ready to cooperate.

Our specialists also carry out accounting, reporting, interim management and due diligence for foreign companies in Russia, as well as assist them in getting the SME status. The Company conducts regular trainings and seminars on topical issues in the field of accounting, taxation and adjustment of reporting in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards.

Our highly qualified auditors, tax consultants, accountants and lawyers, proficient in German, English and Italian, are at your service in Moscow and in Europe.

Among our clients there are production plants – residents of Lipetsk and Alabuga Special Economic Zones of an industrial and production type.

Development Stages of LLC "Sterngoff Audit"

Company establishment. Start of work on auditing companies mainly with German and Austrian capital in Russia according to Russian and international financial reporting standards (HGB, UGB, IFRS).
The company begins work on auditing manufacturing enterprises with foreign investment - residents of Special Economic Zones - SEZ "Lipetsk" and SEZ "Alabuga".
The German-Russian Chamber of Commerce (AHK) selects "Sterngoff Audit" to conduct an audit for 3 financial periods.
The company ranks in the top 50 largest audit and consulting firms in Russia according to the rating agency RAEX.
"Sterngoff Audit" is admitted into the international association MSI Global Alliance, belonging to the top-10 largest business associations in the world, as well as into the association of the Italian Enterpreuners of Russia (GIM Unimpresa).

The Company becomes a member of the Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI France Russie).
Leader of „Sterngoff Audit“ Olga Grigorieva becomes the head of the accounting group at the German-Russian Chamber of Commerce (AHK) and is also elected to the committee of medium and small audit organizations of the self-regulated auditor organization Auditor Association „Sodruzhestvo".
"Sterngoff Audit" achieves the 32nd place in the ranking of the largest audit and consulting companies in Russia according to RAEX.

New professionals from the partner company Rödl & Partner join the team.

A company representative office begins its work in Saint-Petersburg.

In Almaty (Republik of Kazakhstan) the company TOO "Sterngoff (Sterngoff)" is opened.
Leader of the Company Olga Grigorieva is elected to the Board of the German-Russian Chamber of Commerce.

"Sterngoff Audit" is admitted as a member of the AEB - Association of European Businesses and becomes the auditor of the Association for three reporting periods.

Autonomous non-profit organization «The International Union of German Culture» (IVDK) has elected “Sterngoff Audit” as its auditor.

We are member of following professional associations:

Achievements of any company are the results of work and attitude to the profession. We believe that audit is a creative approach combined with mathematical calculations — the yin and yang of business, a union celebrating our mission.

Best regards, looking forward to mutually beneficial cooperation,
Sterngoff Audit

Principles of our work
The principle of continuous contact with the Client

We guarantee that regardless of circumstances the Client will receive a timely full service and within the specified terms, as well as the opportunity to contact us when necessary.

The principle of independence of the opinion

We strictly adhere to compliance with the rules of professional ethics and guarantee impartiality in the course of audits and strict safety of the information received from the Client.

The principle of professionalism, responsibility and integrity

All specialists adhere to legal regulations related to professional activities and act in accordance with the law, general professional principles and international agreements.

Advantages of working with us
We know the peculiarities of accounting at German enterprises in Russia

We have experience of working with German and Austrian enterprises in Russia and understand the specific character of their work. We are familiar with the problems that foreign business encounters in Russia and help to solve them.

We protect from financial risks

We do not just inspect the accounting statements, but conduct a full quality audit of an enterprise which determines all possible financial and tax risks.

We hold meetings based on the results of inspections

Discuss the problems which were found out with the founders and the management of the company and offer ways of solving these problems. We consult German Customers on complex issues of the Russian accounting and tax law.

We draw up statements based on German standards

Apply international requirements to audit in our work and closely cooperate with an auditing company in Germany. We issue an official auditor’s opinion which is recognized internationally.

We speak one language with our Client
Our employees know German and English. We hold meetings with German founders without a translator.