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Conducting an online conversation with the editor-in-chief of the Moscow German Newspaper Igor Berezin on the topic “Exit from the "remote working”? Manage to get the status of an SME!”


Restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic are gradually being lifted in Russia: construction sites and industrial enterprises are already operating, and the next steps to break out of the self-isolation regime have been announced. What do companies that transfer their employees from “remote working” to the usual mode of work need to do right now? What support measures are provided for such enterprises? What are the advantages of obtaining the status of a small and medium-sized enterprise and how to get into the register of SMEs? These and other issues were discussed during an online conversation on May 29 organized by the Moscow German Newspaper, which was attended by the head of “Sterngoff Audit” LLC Olga Grigorieva, the head of “Swilar” LLC Darya Pogodina and the managing partner of “BLC” LLC Elena Balashova.

The conversation was conducted by the editor-in-chief of the Moscow German Newspaper Igor Berezin with the active participation of listeners who could write their questions in the conversation chat.

As a result of the interview, we received a lot of feedback, and we publish one of the messages:

“I thank all the speakers.

The topic of the seminar is very relevant today. A very large amount of material is given in a short period of time – this is a big plus, what they call “I came, I saw, I conquered!” Nothing superfluous, everything was just to the point. Pleasant, easy communication and the possibility to ask questions and get competent answers. As for me personally, I got the opportunity to build a logical chain of actions.

There can be only one wish – to be healthy, not stop at what has been achieved and move only forward.”