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An encore onlineseminar on How to Overcome a Pandemic: Loss Minimisation and Risk Mitigation


As we informed previously, on April 20 Sterngoff Audit and partners Swilar and Balashova Legal Consultants ran a onlineseminar titled “How to Overcome a Pandemic: Loss Minimisation and Risk Mitigation. HR. Taxes, SME Status, and Crisis Management”.

Considering that the onlineseminar attracted a large audience, the organisers arrived at a decision to initiate an additional onlineseminar session on April 29 at the invitation of the Sakhalin Chamber of Trade and Industry and the Sakhalin branch of the All-Russian Non-Governmental Organisation “Association of Lawyers of Russia”.

We stay tuned for further legislative changes and will continue to keep you updated via our newsletters and onlineseminar.