Next year our company turns 10 years, which means that one life cycle of our company ends and a new one begins. At this stage, we will delight you with news about new areas of our services and competencies.
On the eve of the New Year and a new professional stage, we decided to change our logo and corporate identity, highlighting in the main one of the colours of our previous logo – scarlet. This choice is not accidental: the scarlet colour primarily personifies leadership and perseverance, dynamism and creativity.
We present you our updated logo and we hope that it will receive a positive response from you and will become a comfortable symbol for you to continue our successful cooperation!
“When working on the updated logo, we took into account all the accumulated experience of working with clients and partners, studied the main trends in the audit services market and outlined new prospects for ourselves. Simultaneously with the new corporate identity, the slogan for the company was chosen, which sounds like “The art to keep the balance”. After all, the work of auditors is not only to confirm the reliability of reporting and assess risks, but also to prepare appropriate recommendations to minimize them. Our work is a constant creative process, professional development, gaining new experience. A good auditor must not only have a high qualification and a positive reputation in the market, but also possess the art of providing such recommendations that will help clients maintain the balance they need in this ever-changing world. ” – comments the managing partner of the company Olga Grigorieva.
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