Olga Grigorieva, our company’s CEO, was invited to speak at a conference on audit and consulting in Russia. The list of conference speakers included executives of Sodruzhestvo Self-Regulatory Organization of Auditors, representatives of OPORA Russia Association, as well as the rating agency EXPERT RA.
The conference discussed in detail how the events taking place in Russia and globally affect the audit market, how it has changed lately and which of these changes were recent and spontaneous, and which were long-planned and thought out.
“For me, the invitation to speak at this conference is a recognition of the accumulated work experience and status. It was interesting to take part in the discussion with representatives of our audit community. I also managed to communicate directly with the management of our highly respected SRO of auditors, and learn some tips that work. And when I was given the fresh issue of Kommersant published that day with a rating of Russian audit companies, I saw that our company had move up by five positions versus the past year, which could not but please. After all, the goal of every leader is the growth of their business,” notes Olga Grigorieva.
Follow the link to access the conference files: https://events.kommersant.ru/events/audit-i-konsalting-22/
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