What is forensic and what advantages does it bring to a company?
The popularity of such activity as forensic is accounted for by the growth of economic crimes. In its operations, each company in Russia encounters the need for an independent investigation, analysis, conflict resolution and elaboration of procedures aimed at countering financial fraud.
Forensic covers a comprehensive analysis of financial, commercial and legal issues directed at the identification of any non-compliance with laws, standards and entity functioning principles.
We divide this service into several sub-activities, as such procedure requires isolated operations:
1) Corporate intelligence.
It means checking the due diligence of individuals and identifying any affiliations.
It constitutes a complex procedure targeted at preserving cash funds and reputation of a company. Pursuant to the legislation of the Russian Federation, liability for sourcing a counterparty is totally born by a company. The methodology developed by Sterngoff Audit allows avoiding risks and tax implications that may result from interaction with suspicious counterparties.
Independent financial investigations
Sterngoff Audit specialists will conduct a legal assessment of wrongdoings identified and draw up a response plan. The collection of the required evidence will enable indemnifying damage, bringing the persons involved to liability and restoring business reputation.
2) Internal investigation.
It means fraud on the part of counterparties or employees.
Insufficient internal control often leads to wrongful and illegals acts of employees within a company. Forensic procedures of Sterngoff Audit allow identifying and collecting the required evidential base in respect of the persons involved.
Internal corruption and ethical breaches.
Corrupt practices on the part of employees result in company losses. Any abuse of the official status and trust often involves several employees in wrongful activities. Sterngoff Audit methodologies allow avoiding corruption, preserving company assets and nurturing a corporate culture.
Unauthorised use of confidential information.
The protection of confidential information is among top priorities of each company. Our team will help conducting and documenting an internal investigation whose results may be used for further examinations.
3) Compliance services
Forensic activities entail the elaboration of a set of measures aimed at the creation and improvement of the company control system in order to prevent and discontinue any corporate fraud.
We would be happy to answer any questions you may have in this regard. Send a message to info@sterngoff.com, and we will be pleased to answer any questions related to your specific situation.
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