Following the voting at the annual meeting of the Russian-German Chamber on March 20, 2019, Elena Balashova, a managing partner of Balashova Legal Consultants, became a member of the Board of the Chamber.
Ms. Balashova has been working with the Chamber for more than 10 years, leading at the beginning a working group on migration, later as a vice-chairman, and since last year as a chairman of the Personnel Committee.
As Ms. Balashova said in her address, it is a great honour to make a personal contribution to the development of relations between our countries and be part of mutually beneficial cooperation: “As a member of the Board of the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce, I would like to continue my long-term lobbying of labour and immigration laws, and thereby support the interests of representatives of German business in Russia.”
We congratulate Ms. Balashova on this important event and wish her successful work within the Board!
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