The conference is dedicated to the discussion of the most important issues in the field of taxation and other associated fields. It is attended by representatives of tax authorities, business leaders, experts, and advisors.
We would like to highlight the presentation given by Olga Grigorieva, CEO at Sterngoff Audit and a member of the Chamber’s Board of Directors, on the review of common accounting errors identified by auditors while performing audits for the year 2023.
The purpose of the audit is to provide not only an opinion on the financial statements, but also a list of errors identified in the course of the audit, along with recommendations for their correction. The analysis was based on more than 100 reports prepared for 70 different companies and covered common mistakes in both bookkeeping and tax accounting, including those specific to the year 2023.
If you are interested in our audit services, please email us at info@sterngoff.com, and we will promptly contact you.
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