Another meeting significant for the professional accounting community — the practicum “Income Tax and New Federal Accounting Standards 2022” organized by our partner REDCONTOUR was held on the 4th of October. The experts helped to understand the right way to apply the provisions of the federal standards at different accounting stages, where the differences occur and how to avoid errors.
Elena Starovoitova, the deputy director of the Department for Regulation of Accounting, Financial Statements and Auditing Activities of the Russian Federation Ministry of Finance, clarified the agency position on certain issues of practice administration and told about development prospects of the system of standards.
The speeches of Tatiana Rolsing, the leading consulting expert on taxation of Sterngoff Audit were in the focus of the program. In several reports, she revealed the requirements of the Federal Accounting Standards to accounting of leasing, permanent improvements, accounting and tax leasing. The material is rather complicated, but, as usual, the expert’s speeches were comprehensible, informative and caught the great interest of the audience.
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