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Workshop on the Current Issues and Specific Aspects of Tax Treatment and Accounting of Foreign Companies in the Russian Federation in Krasnodar


On July 31, Sterngoff Audit in cooperation with consulting firm SWILAR and with the support of the legal company of Balashova Legal Consultants, together with Klaas Ltd., with the assistance of Non-Commercial Autonomous Organization “Krasnodar Region Development Corporation”, held a workshop titled “The Current Issues and Specific Aspects of Tax Treatment and Accounting of Foreign Companies in the Russian Federation”. The workshop targeted primarily chief accountants and chief financial officers of foreign companies from German-speaking countries and addressed the specific nature of their operations.

The list of speakers included:

  • Olga Grigorieva, Chief Executive Officer at Sterngoff Audit, “An Overview of Some Noteworthy Communications from Regulatory Authorities and Digest of Case Law” and “Mistakes Revealed by Auditors in the Course of Inspection of HR Records Keeping and Personnel Payments”;
  • Darya Pogodina, Chief Executive Officer at SWILAR – “License Agreements: Legal and Tax Aspects” and “Transfer Pricing: New Rules Effective From 2019”;
  • Natalia Safiulina, Chief Accountant, Project Manager at SWILAR – “VAT 2019: Recent Changes and Practicalities” and “Overview of Expected Changes in the Federal Accounting Standards”;
  • Managing Partner at Balashova Legal Consultants, Elena Balashova – “Payroll Expenses. New Rules since 2019”.

We have been delighted with the interesting communication with our clients and new companies of the Region, and we would like to thank the Krasnodar Region Development Corporation for the workshop arrangement. We address our special thanks to Klaas Ltd. for the provided opportunity to hold the workshop at its site, as well as for the administrative support.