As you know, our audit company is actively helping enterprises with foreign capital to get into the register of SMEs, which can significantly reduce the amount of insurance premiums. Subject to compliance with all the criteria established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the audit company analyses the documents and submits information for inclusion in the register to the tax authorities.
But what about companies that have been removed from the register due to an increase in their income or headcount, or for other reasons? Read about this in the article by Olga Grigorieva “Insurance premiums when delisting SMEs”, which was published in the January issue of the newspaper “EZh-Buhgalter ” (accounting supplement of the newspaper “Ekonomika I Zhizn’”, issue No. 01 (9915).
If you are interested in answers to these and similar questions, our team will always be happy to answer them. Send an application with the subject of the letter “Tax Consultation” to
For reference: Economics and Life is a universal business publication for doing business, which has been published since 1918. “EZh-Buhgalter ” is one of the thematic supplements to the newspaper, designed for practicing accountants, auditors, employees of tax authorities. The official website of the publication is
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