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LLC Sterngoff Audit together with partners organized an online review for customers and regular listeners, which took place on October 27

Ms. Svetlana Pshenova
Assistant Auditor


Since we are constantly in contact with our clients, we are well aware of the problems faced by foreign business in Russia.

In this regard, we decided to conduct a free online review from our leading experts and partners from the companies “BiElSi”, “SVILAR”, “Arhitectura Prava” on the most relevant topics:

  • Audit of tax disputes within the framework of Article 54 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  •  Auditing practice in disputes with customs on royalties;
  •  Audit review of intra-group services and shareholder activity: current clarifications of the Federal Tax Service;
  •  Errors detected by auditors when analyzing legal documents;
  • Errors detected while working in SAP;
  • New pandemic restrictions vs personnel.

As you know, our online reviews are primarily an exchange of experience and a lively discussion. At our seminars, participants ask questions and immediately receive feedback and accurate explanations from our experts.

The team of the independent audit company Sterngoff Audit does its best to directly assist companies with foreign participation in all changes in accounting and legislation that affect or may affect their work.

How to participate in our events? Just write a short letter to our email and we will add you to the mailing list and inform you about the planned online seminars.