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Our Company is Ranked as Reliable in the Annual Rating of the AUDIT Magazine

Ms. Olga Grigorieva
General Director

Dear Sir or Madam,

We are glad to inform you that our company was included in the rating of major audit companies by the Audit magazine, well-known in the audit community.

The AUDIT magazine has been publishing since 15.09.1995, and today it remains one of the leaders in its field.

The AUDIT magazine contains the latest, most essential, and interesting materials related to auditing, accounting, taxation, legal consultations on audit and accounting issues, recommendations for managers and headhunters.

First of all, we express our deep gratitude to our clients and partners who entrust us with extremely responsible work. Our principles and team work allow us to confidently face challenges every day and thereby increase the business activity of our clients in the Russian Federation.

We are flattered by this assessment in the context of the Pandemic because it proves that our company not only advises but also caps words with deeds.