On 8 June, the fifth anniversary conference “Tax Environment. Version 2022” was held. Once again, the key event on taxation and tax security brought together all of the stakeholders.
Representatives of the Federal Tax Service and the State Duma of the Russian Federation, leaders of financial services and experienced lawyers, CFOs and chief accountants of the largest Russian and foreign companies gathered at one site, altogether more than 80 people. All participants shared the same goal which was to develop the best solutions for all of the stakeholders, including businesses, the government, and ordinary taxpayers.
Sixteen speakers shared their expertise. The conference set off with an open dialogue with the leaders of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation which addressed changes in tax legislation and business support measures. Alexandra Kadet, Head of the Transfer Pricing Department of the Russian Federal Tax Service, spoke about the adjustments in the work of the tax authorities resulting from new regulations, and mechanisms were proposed for overcoming the challenges that businesses face in international taxation.
Our company was represented by our leading expert in accounting and taxation Tatyana Rolzing, who gave exhaustive practical recommendations on how to deal with the change in tax liabilities with the adoption of the new federal accounting standards (FSBU) and live through the transition period painlessly.
By the way, the service for the implementation of the requirements of the new standards FSBU 6 “Fixed Assets” and FSBU 25 “Lease” is very popular with us now. If you need help, please send us an email to info@sterngoff.com, and we will help you.
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