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Olga Grigorieva, Chief Executive Officer at Sterngoff Audit, speaks on possible abolition of the 3-NDFL tax return on radio Business FM

Mr. Fedor Vinokurov
Assistant manager, assistant auditor.

Radio Business FM, widely known in the business community, requested Olga Grigorieva, an auditor, tax consultant and CEO at Sterngoff Audit, to comment on possible abolition by the Federal Tax Service of the 3-NDFL tax return, as mentioned by Daniil Egorov, Chief of the Federal Tax Service, in his recent interview.


Below is an excerpt from her comments:

A tax return according to form 3-NDFL is required whenever a person applies for a tax deduction. As a rule, this is a property-related tax deduction when purchasing an apartment or buying a home with a mortgage, when the person is entitled to a deduction for mortgage interest. Another one of our most popular services is the 3-NDFL tax return for medical treatment. Additionally, the 3-NDFL tax return must be filed when selling a car. These are probably the most conventional, simple things. Of course, the abolition of this form would greatly contribute to the abolition of all the bureaucratic fuss that is now associated with the submission of tax returns. In my opinion, this would make life easier for both tax authorities and individuals. I consistently support the abolition of bureaucracy. All the more so as the country is going through transformations: [we work] partly remotely, partly from home, online, and people do not always have the opportunity to bring their documents to consultants, ask them to fill out a tax return, because not everyone understands the lines of the tax return. This tax return is complicated in its structure, as a rule, you need to fill in one line and then another one, indicate a place, indicate the dates of purchase. But the dates of purchase of real estate are now recorded in the real estate register, that is all this information is available and accessible to the tax authorities.