From November 22, 2021, amendments to the Labour Code of the Russian Federation are in force, allowing employers to convert personnel document interchange into electronic form (EDI) (Federal Law of November 22, 2021 No. 377-FZ “On Amendments to the Labour Code of the Russian Federation”).
Now it is allowed to conduct almost all personnel documents in electronic form. At the same time, 5 types of documents were kept in paper form: the order of dismissal, paper information about labour activity, briefing logs and act n-1 on the accident.
The decision on the need to introduce EDI remains with the employer. Almost all HR documents can be transferred to EDI right now, but it is important to properly formalize this with internal local acts, and our HR audit expert will help you with this.
If you have any questions, just email us at info@sterngoff.com with the subject line “HR Audit Question”.
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